Beckley Ladies Biking Group

Sunday, July 14, 2024 (5:00 PM - 6:00 PM) (EDT)


Join Community Captain Amy for a beginner friendly bike ride on the trails near the soccer complex. Bring your own bike and helmets are required. Active SWV requests participants and volunteers NOT attend group programs if experiencing any of the following. • Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19? • Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat? • Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours? • Have you had new loss of taste or smell? • Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours Regarding Community Captain Programs and groups of children: All Active SWV Community Captain programs are family friendly; children are invited to attend with the expectation of a parent/guardian ratio of 1 guardian adult to 5 children. It is our expectation for larger groups of children (e.g. Scouts, youth groups, etc), that an adult to child ratio of 1 adult to 5 children be observed in ages 5 and under, and 1 adult to 10 children be observed for ages 5 and above. If you haven't already Join MemberPlus today, start here: Registration to any Active SWV free programming indicates acceptance of our liability waiver for every adult and child attending.
Paul Cline Memorial Sports Complex
302 Joe L Smith Dr
Beckley, WV 25801 United States
Directions: From Oak Hill, take Gatewood Rd, make a right onto Cunard Rd. There is a large sign with a horse that says “Equestrian Experience” beside the road. Take Cunard Road all the way to a brown sign making a left to Cunard River Access. Follow this road (some parts gravel) to the end, past Cunard River Access to the Brooklyn Campground parking area. See signs for the Southside Trailhead at the gate. From Fayetteville take Gatewood Rd, make a left onto Cunard Rd. There is a large sign with a horse that says “Equestrian Experience” beside the road. Take Cunard Road all the way to a brown sign making a left to Cunard River Access. Follow this road (some parts gravel) to the end, past Cunard River Access to the Brooklyn Campground parking area. See signs for the Southside Trailhead at the gate.
Sunday, July 14, 2024 (5:00 PM - 6:00 PM) (EDT)
Raleigh County
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